
Tips to get a better night's sleep while pregnant

by MGroup official

Tips to get a better night's sleep while pregnant

Getting a good night's sleep is hard enough when the odds are in your favor, so it's no surprise that the discomfort of pregnancy can make going to bed such a chore. Whether you're dealing with common pregnancy symptoms like leg cramps, restless leg syndrome (rls) or a constantly full bladder, you're finding it difficult to establish a bedtime routine, or your burgeoning belly is the cause of your sleepless nights, don't worry - poor sleep in pregnant women is really common.

Just as it's easy to experience, it's easy enough to put practices in place to help you sleep better. This article will share everything you need to know about improving your sleep habits throughout pregnancy.

Tip 1: Support your bump

Pregnancy bumps take some getting used to, which isn't helped by the fact that they consistently grow until baby arrives. Even if you can forget about your bump during the day, it's often different at night, when you're switching positions and trying to fall asleep.

It may help you to sleep with a pillow between your legs and one beneath your bump. A pregnancy pillow is ideally designed for improving your sleep if you're a side sleeper, especially if you're in your third trimester.

Tip 2: Stay active

You may feel fatigued as early as your first trimester, but for the sake of your health and to avoid trouble sleeping, it's important to stay active throughout the day.

Obviously, as a pregnant woman, your body needs protecting and certain forms of exercise are out. But most exercise, from running and swimming to dancing and yoga, are completely safe to do when you're carrying a baby. Being active in the day should help you when going to sleep at night, as you'll feel more physically tired.

Tip 3: Practice relaxation techniques

What makes you feel truly relaxed? Perhaps it's taking a warm bath; maybe it's deep breathing or simply taking some time to yourself. In today's fast-paced world, shutting off for the night is difficult - and it's especially true when you've got pregnancy and the health of your baby on your mind.

Try to schedule a relaxation session a few hours before you go to bed, even if you don't think it'll work for you. Lying down, dimming the light and listening to meditation guides is often key to helping many women drift off. Again, pregnancy pillows can be useful here in establishing a comfortable position if you prefer to lie on your side.

Tip 4: Prevent indigestion

Chances are, you'll experience problems related to indigestion during pregnancy. Even though it's harmless to yourself and your baby, this discomfort of heartburn and reflux can be a distraction when it comes to sleeping. Indigestion is especially common in pregnant women, so you'll probably experience it even if you never have before.

To prevent indigestion, try to avoid spicy foods in general, and don't eat your meals too close to your bed time (try to eat your last meal 3 hours before sleep). On the subject of your diet, try to avoid caffeine, too. Prop your head and shoulders up on pillows to relieve the acid burn. Sleeping on your left side is also a great tip for good rest.

These tips should help you to put the basic changes in place to enjoy a long, relaxing pregnancy sleep. But if you're still experiencing problems, you might want to talk to your doctor, who can advise you on how to be sleep and provide treatments when needed.